ôïõ ÓÅÁ 15-04-06Ãåéá... (Áõôüò åßíáé ï êáéíïýñãéïò ÷áéñåôéóìüò ôçò óôÞëçò, áðëüò êáé ðåñéåêôéêüò, ÷ùñßò õðïêëßóåéò êáé ðåñéáõôïëïãßåò)
Ôï MARKET WATCH åßíáé êáé ðÜëé åäþ, ìå ìßá áêüìç âáñåôÞ åéóáãùãÞ, ðïõ óáò õðåíèõìßæåé ðùò åðéóôñÝøáìå - ëåò êáé äåí ôï îÝñáôå, áöïý äéáâÜæåôå Þäç ôï íÝï installment!
ÔÝëïò ðÜíôùí, óÞìåñá Ý÷ïõìå åêôüò ôùí Üëëùí (óôá ïðïßá "Üëëá" óõìðåñéëáìâÜíïíôáé êáé ïé õðïøçöéüôçôåò ãéá ôá öåôéíÜ Eisner Awards Ýíá ðïëý åíäéáöÝñïí óõãêñéôéêü äåßãìá) êáé êÜôé êáéíïýñãéï: áðü áõôÞ ôçí åâäïìÜäá ëïéðüí, èá äéáâÜæåôå êáé ôá åðßóçìá press releases ôçò Heritage, ìåôÜ áðü óõíåííüçóç ìïõ ìå ôïí Ben Samuels, Consignment Director, óôïí ôïìÝá Vintage Comics & Comic Art ôçò Heritage Auction Galleries.
Hot Book Of The Week
Áí êáé åßíáé áêüìç êÜðùò íùñßò, ôï CIVIL WAR #1 ôçò Marvel âñßóêåôáé óå êáôÜóôáóç êüêêéíïõ óõíáãåñìïý áðü óõëëÝêôåò êáé retailers. Ç áãïñáóôéêÞ pre-order êßíçóÞ ôïõ îåðåñíÜåé êáôÜ ðïëý åêåßíç ôïõ HOUSE OF M #1, óýìöùíá ìå ôá ðñþôá ðñü÷åéñá óôïé÷åßá, åíþ ôï sketch variant ôïõ åîùöýëëïõ ôïõ Turner Ý÷åé êÜíåé èñáýóç óôá $150.00 êáé Üíù!
The Professionals
And the Best New Publisher is... Dynamite!
Ðéï óõãêåêñéìÝíá, ç åêäïôéêÞ êßíçóç ôçò Dynamic Forces âñáâåýôçêå áðü ôçí Diamond ìå ôï "Gem Award", âáóéóìÝíï óôçí áíôáðüêñéóç ôïõ êïéíïý, ôçí ðïéüôçôá ôùí ðñïúüíôùí êáé ôç ãåíéêüôåñç áíáãíùñéóéìüôçôá ôçò åôáéñßáò ôïí ÷ñüíï ðïõ ðÝñáóå êáé Ýêáíå ôçí ðñþôç ôçò åìöÜíéóç. Óõã÷áñçôÞñéá ëïéðüí êé áðü åìÝíá, áí êáé äå óõìöùíþ ìå áõôÞ ôçí áðüöáóç. Ìå ìüíï äýï ôßôëïõò ôïõò ðåñéóóüôåñïõò ìÞíåò ëåéôïõñãßáò ôçò, èá Þôáí êÜðùò äýóêïëï íá ìçí êñáôÞóåé ìßá óôáèåñüôçôá óôïõò ÷ñüíïõò êáé ôçí ðïéüôçôÜ ôçò. Åðßóçò, åëðßæù ôá ðïëëáðëÜ åîþöõëëá íá ìçí ìÝôñçóáí, êáôáëáâáßíåôå õðïèÝôù ðùò êÜôé ôÝôïéï èá Þôáí åíôåëþò Üôïðï. ÔÝëïò, ôï âñáâåßï áíáöÝñåé ðåñß "ðñïúüíôùí" ãåíéêüôåñá, óõìðåñéëáìâáíïìÝíùí êáé ôùí äéáöüñùí comics related products. ÄçëáäÞ Ýíá Üãáëìá êáé êÜðïéá prints; Ìüíï; Ôá ïðïßá êÜðïéåò Üëëåò åôáéñßåò, üðùò ç Speakeasy, èá Þôáí äõóêïëüôåñï íá ðáñÜãåé ìéá êáé äåí Þôáí "óôïýíôéï" ôçò DF;
ÊÜðïõ ÷ùëáßíåé ôï üëï ðñÜìá, êáé ìõñßæïíôáé óõìöÝñïíôá. Êé áõôü ðïõ åðéâáñýíåé áêüìç ðåñéóóüôåñï ôéò õðïøßåò ìïõ, Þôáí ç ðáñáêÜôù áôÜêá ðïõ áíÝöåñå ç Dynamite óôï press release ôçò: "Dynamite's RED SONJA #1 was also nominated for Best Comic Book of the Year Under $3.00, but lost out to the tag-team of Ross, Krueger and Braithwaite and the DC title JUSTICE.
Ùñáßá óýãêñéóç! Åêôüò áí ìåôñÜìå êáé ðÜëé ôá åîþöõëëá, ðïõ ôï êáçìÝíï ôï JUSTICE åß÷å ìüíï 2, êáé ÏËÁ áðü ôïí ßäéï êáëëéôÝ÷íç! (¸íáí øéëïÜãíùóôï ïíüìáôé... êÜôóå íá äåéò ðùò ôïí ëÝíå... á, íáé, Alex Cross or something.)
Eisner Awards
¹ñèå êáé öÝôïò ç óôéãìÞ ðïõ publishers, creators, retailers êáé ëïéðÜ ðáëéêáñéÜ, èá øçößóïõí ãéá íá áíáäåßîïõí ôá êáëýôåñá comics ôçò ÷ñïíéÜò ðïõ ðÝñáóå! ¸öôáóå ç óôéãìÞ ôùí Eisner Awards ëïéðüí, ôùí ïðïßùí ôá áðïôåëÝóìáôá èá áíáêïéíùèïýí óôéò 21 Éïõëßïõ, óôï San Diego Con! ÄéáâÜóôå ôéò õðïøçöéüôçôåò êáé âÜëôå ôá äéêÜ óáò óôïé÷Þìáôá! (ÔÝôïéá Ýðñåðå íá åß÷å âÜëåé ï Êüêêáëçò, ü÷é Eurovision êáé ìáëáêßåò!)
Best Short Story "Blood Son" by Richard Matheson, adapted by Chris Ryall and Ashley Wood, in Doomed #1 (IDW) "Monster Slayers" by Khang Le in Flight Vol. 2 (Image) "Nameless" by Eric Powell in The Goon #14 (Dark Horse) "Operation" (story #5) by Zak Sally in The Recidivist #3 (La Mano) "Teenage Sidekick" by Paul Pope in Solo #3 (DC)
Best Single Issue (or One-Shot)
The Bakers by Kyle Baker (Kyle Baker Publishing)
Ex Machina #11: "Fortune Favors" by Brian K. Vaughan, Tony Harris, and Tom Feister (DC/WildStorm)
The Innocents by Gipi (Fantagraphics/Coconino Press)
Promethea #32: "Wrap Party" by Alan Moore and J.H. Williams III (DC/ABC)
Solo #5 by Darwyn Cooke (DC)
Best Serialized Story
Desolation Jones #1-5: "Made in England" by Warren Ellis and J.H. Williams III (DC/WildStorm)
Fables #36-38, 40-41: "Return to the Homelands" by Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, and Steve Leialoha (DC/Vertigo)
Ex Machina #12-14: "Fact v. Fiction" by Brian K. Vaughan, Tony Harris, and Tom Feister (DC/WildStorm)
Y: The Last Man #37-39: "Paper Dolls" by Brian K. Vaughan, Pia Guerra, Goran Sudzuka, and Jose Marzan Jr. (DC/Vertigo)
Best Continuing Series
Age of Bronze by Eric Shanower (Image)
Astonishing X-Men by Joss Whedon and John Cassaday (Marvel)
Ex Machina by Brian K. Vaughan, Tony Harris, and Tom Feister (DC/WildStorm)
Fell by Warren Ellis and Ben Templesmith (Image)
Rocketo by Frank Espinosa (Speakeasy)
True Story, Swear to God by Tom Beland (Clib's Boy Comics)
Best Limited Series
Nat Turner by Kyle Baker (Kyle Baker Publishing)
Ocean by Warren Ellis, Chris Sprouse, and Karl Story (DC/WildStorm)
Seven Soldiers by Grant Morrison and various artists (DC)
Smoke by Alex de Campi and Igor Kordey (IDW)
Best New Series
All Star Superman by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely (DC)
Desolation Jones by Warren Ellis and J.H. Williams III (DC/WildStorm)
Fell by Warren Ellis and Ben Templesmith (Image)
Rocketo by Frank Espinosa (Speakeasy)
Young Avengers by Alan Heinberg, Jim Cheung, and John Dell (Marvel)
Best Publication for a Younger Audience
Amelia Rules! by Jimmy Gownley (Renaissance Press)
The Clouds Above by Jordan Crane (Fantagraphics)
Franklin Richards, Son of a Genius by Chris Eliopoulous and Mark Sumerak (Marvel)
Owly: Flying Lessons by Andy Runton (Top Shelf)
Spiral-Bound by Aaron Renier (Top Shelf)
Best Anthology
The Dark Horse Book of the Dead edited by Scott Allie (Dark Horse Books)
Flight Vol. 2 edited by Kazu Kibuishi (Image)
Mome edited by Gary Groth and Eric Reynolds (Fantagraphics)
Solo edited by Mark Chiarello (DC)
24 Hour Comics Day Highlights 2005 edited by Nat Gertler (About Comics)
Best Digital Comic
Copper by Kazu
Jellaby by Kean Soo
Ojingogo by Matt Forsythe
PVP by Scott Kurtz
Best Reality-Based Work
Embroideries by Marjane Satrapi (Pantheon)
Epileptic by David B. (Pantheon)
Nat Turner by Kyle Baker (Kyle Baker Publishing)
Pyongyang by Guy Delisle (Drawn & Quarterly)
True Story, Swear to God (Clib's Boy Comics) and True Story, Swear to God: This One Goes to Eleven (AiT/Planet Lar) by Tom Beland
Best Graphic Album - New
Acme Novelty Library #16 by Chris Ware (Acme Novelty)
The Rabbi's Cat by Joann Sfar (Pantheon)
Top Ten: The Forty-Niners by Alan Moore and Gene Ha (DC/ABC)
Tricked by Alex Robinson (Top Shelf)
Wimbledon Green by Seth (Drawn & Quarterly)
Best Graphic Album - Reprint
Acme Novelty Library Annual Report to Shareholders by Chris Ware (Pantheon)
Black Hole by Charles Burns (Pantheon)
Feast of the Seven Fishes by Robert Tinnell, Ed Piskor, and Alex Saviuk (Allegheny Image Factory)
Ice Haven by Dan Clowes (Pantheon)
War's End by Joe Sacco (Drawn & Quarterly)
Best Archival Collection/Project - Comic Strips
The Complete Calvin & Hobbes by Bill Watterson (Andrews McMeel)
The Complete Peanuts, 1955-1956, 1957-1958 by Charles Schulz (Fantagraphics)
Krazy and Ignatz: The Komplete Kat Komics by George Herriman (Fantagraphics)
Little Nemo in Slumberland: So Many Splendid Sundays by Winsor McCay (Sunday Press Books)
Walt and Skeezix by Frank King (Drawn & Quarterly)
Best Archival Collection/Project - Comic Books
Absolute Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons (DC)
Buddha Vols. 5-8 by Osamu Tezuka (Vertical)
The Contract with God Trilogy by Will Eisner (Norton)
DC Comics Rarities Archives Vol. 1 (DC)
Fantastic Four Omnibus by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby (Marvel)
Best U.S. Edition of Foreign Material
Cromartie High School by Eiji Nonaka (ADV)
Dungeon: The Early Years Vol. 1, by Joann Sfar, Lewis Trondheim, and Christophe Blaine (NBM)
Ordinary Victories by Manu Larcenet (NBM)
The Rabbi's Cat by Joann Sfar (Pantheon)
Six Hundred Seventy-Six Apparitions of Killoffer by Killoffer (Typocrat)
Best Writer
Warren Ellis
Alan Heinberg
Alan Moore
Grant Morrison
Brian K. Vaughan
Best Writer/Artist
Geof Darrow
Guy Delisle
Eric Shanower
Adrian Tomine
Chris Ware
Best Writer/Artist - Humor
Kyle Baker
Paige Braddock
Bryan Lee O'Malley
Eric Powell
Best Penciller/Inker
John Cassaday
Gene Ha
J. G. Jones
Frank Quitely
J. H. Williams III
Best Painter/Multimedia Artist (interior art)
Paul Guinan
Ben Templesmith
Kent Williams
Best Cover Artist
Frank Espinosa
Tony Harris
James Jean
Eric Powell
Best Coloring
Jeromy Cox
Steven Griffen
Steve Hamaker
Jose Villarrubia
Chris Ware
Best Lettering
Chris Eliopoulos
Todd Klein
Richard Starkings
Chris Ware
Talent Deserving of Wider Recognition
Dawn Brown
Aaron Renier
Zak Sally
Ursula Vernon
Best Comics-Related Periodical
Comic Art edited by M. Todd Hignite (Comic Art)
Comic Book Artist edited by Jon Cooke (Top Shelf)
The Comics Journal edited by Gary Groth and Dirk Deppey (Fantagraphics)
Draw! edited by Michael Manley (TwoMorrows)
Following Cerebus edited by Craig Miller and John Thorne (Aardvark-Vanaheim/Win-Mill Productions)
Best Comics-Related Book
The Comics Journal Library: Classic Comic Illustrators edited by Tom Spurgeon (Fantagraphics)
Eisner/Miller interviews conducted by Charles Brownstein (Dark Horse Books)
Foul Play: The Art and Artists of the Notorious 1950s EC Comics by Grant Geissman (Harper Design)
Masters of American Comics edited by John Carlin, Paul Karasik, and Brian Walker (Hammer Museum/MOCA Los Angeles/Yale University Press)
RGK: Art of Roy G. Krenkel edited by J. David Spurlock and Barry Klugerman (Vanguard)
Best Publication Design
Acme Novelty Library Annual Report to Shareholders designed by Chris Ware (Pantheon)
Little Nemo in Slumberland designed by Philippe Ghuilemetti (Sunday Press Books)
Promethea #32 designed by J.H. Williams III and Todd Klein (ABC)
Walt and Skeezix designed by Chris Ware (Drawn & Quarterly)
Wimbledon Green designed by Seth (Drawn & Quarterly)
Hall of Fame
Judges' Choices
Floyd Gottfredson, William Moulton Marston
Voters will choose four from among
Matt Baker
Vaughn Bode
Wayne Boring
Reed Crandall
Creig Flessel
Ramona Fradon
Harold Gray
Graham Ingels
Robert Kanigher
Russ Manning
Mort Meskin
Marty Nodell
Gilbert Shelton
Jim Steranko
Heritage News
Äýï press releases, ëïéðüí, áõôÞ ôçí åâäïìÜäá áðü ôçí Heritage, áñêåôÜ åíäéáöÝñïíôá, èá Ýëåãá. Ôï ðñþôï áöïñÜ ôçí åýñåóç ôçò êáëýôåñçò ìÝ÷ñé óôéãìÞò êüðéáò áðü ôï RICHIE RICH #1 ôïõ 1960 (ÍÌ+ 9.6) êáèþò êáé original pages áðü áõôü, óõìðåñéëáìâáíïìÝíïõ ôïõ åîùöýëëïõ!
April 11, 2006
World's Richest Boy to be sold at Auction!
Finest-known Copy of Richie Rich #1 Plus Original Art to be Offered by Heritage
DALLAS, TEXAS: "Born" in 1953 as a backup feature in Little Dot #1, Richie Rich, the Poor Little Rich Boy, has become, arguably, the world's most successful comic book character, appearing in over 50 individual titles and over 2,000 individual issues bearing his name, as well as countless guest appearances in other titles.
Richie sprang to life in the pages of Little Dot #1 in 1953, making his debut alongside Little Lotta. Little Dot #6 saw Richie cover-featured for the first time, and, in 1957, Harvey Hits #3 became the first comic fully devoted to the wealthy lad from Richville. Richie was featured again in Harvey Hits #9, but his reception seems to have been lukewarm at best.
It wouldn't be until 1960, and the publication of Richie Rich #1, that the Poor Little Rich Boy would come into his own. Suddenly the floodgates were open and Richie and all his friends were ready to take an eager comic-buying public by storm. Over the next quarter-century, Richie and pals would become some of the most beloved comic characters ever created, appearing not only on the printed page, but on TV and movie screens as well.
"We're very pleased to offer the ultimate in Richie Rich collectibles," said Ed Jaster, Vice President for Dallas-based Heritage Auction Galleries. "Not only are we presenting the finest-known copy of Richie Rich #1, but we're also pleased to offer, for the very first time, the original cover and interior art from this landmark issue."
"The copy of Richie Rich #1 we're offering in our upcoming Signature auction is a rare publisher's File Copy," Jaster said, "which stands alone at the top of the CGC census with its incredible grade of 9.6. This elusive Silver Age gem is hard enough to find in even Fine condition, so this stunning copy is sure to bring bidders out of the woodwork."
"Perhaps even more incredible," said Jaster, "is the original cover and interior art for this historic issue. The cover is finely rendered by Warren Kremer, Richie's ¡father,' while the interior art is provided by Kremer and Sid Couchey, perhaps better known as the creator of Little Lotta. Included in this lot, in addition to the cover, is a 1-page Richie Rich story by Couchey; ¡Early to Bed,' a 5-page Richie Rich story by Couchey; a 1-page Pee Wee story with Kremer art; a 1-page Little Dot story by Couchey; ¡For the Birds,' a 5-page Richie Rich story by Couchey; ¡Uncle Tape's Speedy Fixer,' a 5-page Little Dot story by Couchey; and ¡Singing Sensation,' a 5-page Little Lotta story by Couchey. All in all, this is a prize that every Richie fan will want to claim for his or her own."
Richie Rich the Poor Little Rich Boy #1 File Copy (Harvey, 1960) CGC NM+ 9.6 Cream to off-white pages:
Warren Kremer and Sid Couchey - Richie Rich the Poor Little Rich Boy #1 Cover and Complete Stories Original Art (Harvey, 1960):
The Richie Rich the Poor Little Rich Boy #1 File Copy (Harvey, 1960) CGC NM+ 9.6 Cream to off-white pages bears a pre-auction estimate of $20,000 & up. The Warren Kremer and Sid Couchey - Richie Rich the Poor Little Rich Boy #1 Cover and Complete Stories Original Art (Harvey, 1960) carries a pre-auction estimate of $35,000 & up.
Ôï äåýôåñï áöïñÜ ôçí åýñåóç ìßáò ìåãÜëçò óõëëïãÞò Vintage comics ôá ïðïßá êáé öõóéêÜ èá äéáôåèïýí ôïí ÌÜéï ðñïò äçìïðñÜôçóç!
April 12, 2006
Vintage Comics and Art to be Auctioned in May!
Batman, X-Men, Fantastic Four and more to be Featured
DALLAS, TEXAS: A treasure-trove of vintage comic books, original comic art, character memorabilia and animation art will be featured in Heritage Auction Galleries' upcoming Signature auction.
"We're offering a true smorgasbord of pop culture delights in this upcoming auction," said Ed Jaster, Vice-President of Heritage. "There's truly something for every taste and budget here."
"Of course, vintage comic books are the mainstays of these auctions," said Jaster, "and as part of this event, we're pleased to present the collection of Harold Curtis. This fabulous original owner collection, assembled during the 1940s and 50s, is strongest in DC hero titles, especially those featuring Batman, Curtis' favorite, but includes a fine showing of other genres, such as crime and even romance. Probably the highlight of the collection is Curtis' copy of Batman #33, which not only grades a fantastic Near-Mint 9.4, putting it at the top of the census, it also sports an ultra-rare double cover! This is a book that no serious collector will want to miss."
"No Heritage auction would be complete without a generous selection of high-grade, pedigreed books," Jaster said, "and this one is no exception. Leading the list is the Denver copy of Daring Mystery Comics #1, CGC-graded a superb NM 9.4 with Off-white pages. One of Timely's earliest efforts, following their maiden title, Marvel Comics, by only a few scant months, it may not hold as lofty a place in comics' history as some of its Timely brethren, but Daring Mystery #1 has a lot to recommend it, not the least of which is a stunning cover by the legendary Alex Schomburg featuring bondage, hooded bad guys and action galore!"
"We're also pleased to present a number of other high-grade, important books, such as Fantastic Four #4, graded NM 9.4, Flash #123, which first presented the legendary ¡Flash of Two Worlds' story, graded NM- 9.2, and Giant-Size X-Men #1, the book that introduced the new X-Men to the world and changed the landscape of comics forever. This book, graded NM+ 9.6, should be of particular interest this Spring, as the opening of the new movie, X-Men: The Last Stand, starring Hugh Jackman and Halle Berry, will be right around the corner on May 26. By the time of our auction, X-fever should be at an all-time high!"
"Original comic and comic strip art is always an important part of our auctions," Jaster said, "and I'm very excited about many of the pieces we're offering this time around. Just to scratch the surface, I'd mention Winsor McCay's lovely hand-colored original Sunday page, Tales of the Jungle Imps, date 2-22-1903, which tells the story of ¡How The Pelican Got His Pouch.' This museum-worthy piece by a comic strip pioneer and visionary who was light-years ahead of his time would compliment even the finest collection of art."
"Harvey collectors will be excited to see our spectacular offerings of the ultimate Richie Rich collectibles," Jaster said. "For the very first time, collectors will have the opportunity to bid on a stunning File Copy of the landmark Richie Rich #1, CGC-graded NM+ 9.6 with Cream to off-white pages, making it the finest copy known to exist, as well as the original art for the cover and interior of this historic comic. The cover, by Warren Kremer, is a gem, one of the true iconic images of the Silver Age, while the interior pieces, by Kremer and fellow Harvey artist Sid Couchey, are veritable treasures from the Harvey vaults. The ownership of these incredible rarities confers much more than mere bragging rights, as Richie Rich #1 is one of the most important books in the history of comics, being the first solo issue of comic's most successful character."
"The history of underground comics may have to be re-written," Jaster said, "once we present the previously-unseen Zap Comix #1 Archives. From the archives of Don Donahue, Apex Novelties founder and printer of the second edition copies of Zap Comix #1, comes this incredible treasure trove of information, receipts, notes, etc. from the halcyon days of the Underground Comix scene, circa 1968. The fortunate winner of this lot will also discover the amount of the profits paid to Crumb – an amount far too little to mention here, for fear of embarrassing the artist at this late date."
"This is a truly important archive collection," said Jaster, "whose importance in documenting the early days of the Underground Comix movement cannot be overstated. Rarely is one afforded a glimpse ¡behind the scenes' at the origins of such a significant social and artistic revolution as this, and the opportunity to possess these important documents may well be a once-in-a-lifetime event."
"We're also excited to present a spectacular collection of animation art, featuring production drawings and cells, limited editions and much more from studios including Disney, Warner Brothers, MGM, Hanna-Barbera, King Features, and many others. There are a number of fine pieces to chose from, but one of my personal favorites is a production drawing of Mickey Mouse from the ¡Sorcerer's Apprentice' sequence of Fantasia. Artwork showing Mickey in his Apprentice garb is extremely rare and very sought after by animation aficionados worldwide, so this piece should inspire some spirited bidding."
"Our last few auctions in this field have been particularly strong," said Jaster, "with $3.9 million realized in January, 2006, and $2.4 million realized in October, 2005. This is a strong and healthy market, and this current auction should post similarly strong results."
"The few pieces mentioned here barely scratch the surface of our upcoming auction," Jaster said, "and I'd invite anyone interested to visit our website at www.HeritageAuctions.com/Comics, where they can watch the auction grow and then bid on pieces that strike their fancy. Good luck and happy bidding!"
Batman #33 Double Cover (DC, 1946) CGC NM 9.4 Off-white to white pages.
Daring Mystery Comics #1 Denver pedigree Timely, 1940) CGC NM 9.4 Off-white pages.
Fantastic Four #4 (Marvel, 1962) CGC NM 9.4 Off-white to white pages.
The Flash #123 (DC, 1961) CGC NM- 9.2 Off-white to white pages.
Giant-Size X-Men #1 (Marvel, 1975) CGC NM+ 9.6 Off-white to white pages.
Winsor McCay - A Tale of the Jungle Imps by Felix Fiddle, "How the Pelican Got His Pouch" Hand Colored Illustration Original Art, dated 2-22-03 (Cincinnati Enquirer, 1903).
Richie Rich the Poor Little Rich Boy #1 File Copy (Harvey, 1960) CGC NM+ 9.6 Cream to off-white pages.
Warren Kremer and Sid Couchey - Richie Rich the Poor Little Rich Boy #1 Cover and Complete Stories Original Art (Harvey, 1960).
Zap Comix #1 Publishing Archive Material (1968).
Walt Disney Studios - "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" Animation Production Drawing Original Art (Disney, 1940).
Heritage Auction Galleries' upcoming Comics Signature Auction will be held May 11-13, 2006 in Dallas, Texas. For more information, please visit www.HeritageAuctions.com/Comics.
For more information about Heritage's auctions, and a complete record of prices realized, along with full-color, enlargeable photos of each lot, please visit www.HeritageAuctions.com.
Heritage specializes in rare, high-grade comic books, as well as vintage comic and animation art, illustration art, classic toys, movie posters and comics-related collectibles.
Prospective consignors and sellers of top-end comics material, toys, and original art are invited to call Ed Jaster at 1-800-872-6467, ext. 288 or Lon Allen at 1-800-872-6467, ext. 261 to discuss their rare comics and original illustration and comic art. Or visit http://www.HeritageAuctions.com and click on the "Sell Now" tab. Or simply email Ed Jaster at EdJ@HeritageAuctions.com or Lon Allen at LonA@HeritageAuctions.com.
Music and Hollywood memorabilia collectors should contact Doug Norwine at 1-800-872-6467, ext. 452 or email DougN@HeritageAuctions.com.
Movie poster consignors please call Grey Smith at 1-800-872-6467, ext. 367 or email GreySm@HeritageAuctions.com.
To reserve your copy of a catalog for any upcoming Heritage auction, please contact Nicole Jewell, c/o Heritage Auction Galleries, 3500 Maple Avenue, 17th Floor, Dallas, TX 75219, or call 1-800-872-6467, ext. 272.
Comics Related
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