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03-05-07 Marvel Previews: X-MEN #199, LONERS #3, MARVEL ADVENTURES IRON MAN #1 |
Countdown To X-Tinction In X-Men #199 As the X-Men hurtle towards the huge anniversary issue that is X-Men #200, nothing's as it seems for Rogue's team of unpredictable mutants. Written by acclaimed scribe Mike Carey and penciled by fan favorite Chris Bachalo, X-Men #199 will not only change Cable forever, but also dramatically alter the course of Rogue's life-and that's putting it lightly! Faced with a seemingly unstoppable enemy, the X-Men will have to risk it all to win and just wait till you see how it all ends! "Mike Carey is the man steering this rollercoaster ride and he's got me hooked," exclaimed Newsarama.Com's Steve Ekstrom. "Chris Bachalo's work only gets better and better-with Carey being the 'second-coming,' I don't see how anyone can pass this book up. Run faster to your local shop-this book is hot!" Comixfan's Alan Bergin gushed, "Carey has succeeded in providing a worthwhile re-imagining of the merry mutants." With this final chapter of the "Critical Condition" storyline in X-Men #199, the X-Men are heading straight into conflict with one of their deadliest threats ever, but if you're not onboard now, you're going to miss out on how it all begins. The end isn't near…it's here!
X-MEN #199 (MAR072126)
The Loners #2 Is A Runaway Hit! Marvel is pleased to announce that The Loners #2, the new limited series spinning out of Runaways, has sold out at Diamond. Written by C.B Cebulski and penciled by Karl Moline, this series is now 2-for-2 with sell outs at the Diamond level. Featuring teen heroes who form a support group to deal with their lives as superheroes, The Loners has thrilled readers with its personal tales of tragedy, triumph and your favorite cult-classic Marvel heroes! "It's always a good morning when you wake up and open your e-mail to find news of a sell out… especially on a Thursday, the day after your book went on sale!" said Cebulski upon hearing of the sell out. "Wow! I could not be happier with fan and retailer reaction to Loners. With Jason Pearson's eye-catching covers pulling people in, Karl Moline and Christina Strain's amazing interior work seals the deal for fans of Marvel's newest team of teen heroes!" With more of The Loners being tempted to put their superhero costumes back on, and a certain member of Generation X making a huge impression on our heroes, upcoming issues of The Loners will be even more surprising! Marvel urges retailers to check their orders for upcoming issues of this hit series! Please note that Loners #2 may still be available at the retailer level.
The Armored Avenger Takes Flight In Marvel Adventures Iron Man #1 It all starts here! Iron Man is known to the world as a symbol of Stark International, the world's foremost technological empire, but who is he? Where did he come from? And how does it all tie in to billionaire industrialist and inventor Tony Stark? The answers arrive in Marvel Adventures Iron Man #1, a new all ages series from Fred Van Lente and James Cordeiro, with fan favorite Michael Golden providing covers. Featuring James Rhodes, Pepper Potts and a whole host of classic characters, this is the classic Iron Man you know and love! Fans new and old will thrill to this modern re-telling of Iron Man's origin, the newest entry in the popular Marvel Adventures series of titles. If you want action, adventure and an exciting spin on an old favorite, look no further than Marvel Adventures Iron Man. In addition, readers can sample this series for free on Free Comic Book Day, May 5th, when Marvel's offerings will include an all new Marvel Adventures Iron Man story that will not be reprinted in this issue."
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