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06-07-07 Marvel previews: PUNISHER #50, TERROR, INC. #1 , FOOLKILLER #1 |
Marvel Takes Comics To The MAX Over the last six years, the Marvel MAX imprint has changed the way people see mature readers comics—and things are about to get even more exciting! With the 50th issue of the critically acclaimed *Punisher* and gripping new series such as *Terror Inc* and *Foolkiller* arriving this fall, not to mention collections of recent high profile projects such as *Wisdom*, MAX boldly goes where other comics dare not tread! In the special extra sized anniversary issue of *Punisher #50*, by Garth Ennis & Howard Chaykin, Frank Castle confronts the lethal Barracuda…who has a surprise that will rock the vigilante to his very core! You've seen the Punisher angry, you've seen him violent, but trust us True Believer, you've never seen him like this! *Punisher* continues to earn acclaim from all corners, with Kevin Powers of SilverBulletComicBooks.Com gushing, "Garth Ennis reminds readers why he is the definitive Punisher scribe while at the same time putting on a clinic of how to develop a character." Fear has a new face…and any other body parts you can imagine in *Terror, Inc #1 (of 5)*, arriving this August from acclaimed creators David Lapham (of *Stray Bullets* fame) and Patrick Zircher. After fifteen and a half centuries on Earth, you learn a few things about life and Mr. Terror has decided to put that knowledge to good use—like his own personal profit! After his high stakes private investigation agency is duped into murdering a major government official, Terror has to clear his name and he'll do it with a vengeance! Fan favorite Pete Wisdom hits bookshelves in the *Wisdom: Rudiments of Wisdom TPB*, written by Paul Cornell (BBC's *Doctor Who* and *Robin Hood*) and featuring the art of superstar Trevor Hairsine. With a bad attitude, questionable relationships and an addiction to smoking, Pete Wisdom isn't your typical hero, but he may just be the kind of champion that England needs to combat threats from other dimensions. Paul O'Brien of TheXAxis.Comdeclared that *Wisdom *is "Pretty darned good… it's enormously good fun" and this August, fans will be able to read the entire six issue limited series in one must-have volume. This fall sees the release of *Foolkiller*, featuring a new vigilante unlike one you've ever seen by L.A Times bestselling novelist Gregg Hurwitz. In the old days, it was the fool who was allowed to insult the King, keeping our ruler in touch with the needs and desires of the common man. In modern times it is once again the fool who shines his light on the truth, as Foolkiller dispenses justice equal to that of the crimes committed by his victims. You may not like the truth he shows you, or the methods he uses to unearth it, but know this—if you are guilty, you will experience the Foolkiller's wrath! The first six years of MAX revolutionized mature readers comics and re-envisioned classic character such as the Punisher and the next six years will…well, let's just say, there are no limits at Marvel MAX! To celebrate these exciting new titles from MAX, October will see the release of a new MAX Sampler, featuring previews of upcoming titles such as *Zombie II*, *Dead Of Night*, and even more…for only a dollar! Please note that MAX titles are intended for mature readers only and are not suitable for all audiences. PUNISHER #50 (JUN072201) Written by GARTH ENNIS Penciled by HOWARD CHAYKIN Cover by TIM BRADSTREET Explicit Content …$3.99 FOC—7/12/07, On-Sale—8/01/07 WISDOM: RUDIMENTS OF WISDOM TPB (JUN072228) Written by PAUL CORNELL Penciled by TREVOR HAIRSINE & MANUEL GARCIA Cover by TREVOR HAIRSINE Explicit Content …$21.99 FOC—7/05/07, On-Sale—8/01/07 TERROR, INC. #1 (of 5) (JUN072202) Written by DAVID LAPHAM Penciled by PATRICK ZIRCHER Cover by JELENA DJURDJEVIC Explicit Content …$3.99 FOC—7/26/07, On-Sale—8/15/07
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