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The Master Chief Wages War in Halo: Uprising #1
"It was an honor to be asked to add something to the Halo pot," said writer Brian Michael Bendis. "To bring to Halo what the graphic novel brought, some humanity and perspective-something you can't get in the game based solely on the nature of the different mediums. Alex and I also have tried to create a juicy sci-fi story that even if you don't play or know anything about Halo, you could buy this and enjoy it just on its own character and storytelling momentum. But if you are a Halo die-hard you will find connections, characters, and references to not only the three Halo games, but the novels as well." Fans have fallen in love with Halo's mix of intricate storytelling, stunning visuals and intense action, all of which Bendis & Maleev bring to Halo: Uprising #1. If you're looking to quench your thirst for authentic Halo action and thrills, then don't miss this bold new limited series!
HALO: UPRISING #1 (of 4) (MAY072085) Microsoft, Bungie, the Bungie logo, Halo, the Halo logos, the Microsoft Game Studios logo, Xbox 360, the Xbox logos are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries and are used under license from owner. © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Wolverine and Captain America: Brothers in Arms
The naïve, newly enlisted super-soldier is sent on a covert mission to Madripoor. Just one guess who he meets there. That's right...Captain America! And it's looking like their meeting was no coincidence either. Also included in this stunning issue is a reprint of Uncanny X-Men #268, Marvel's first WWII story featuring Logan and Cap, in which they rescue a young Black Widow. The breakout hit Wolverine: Origins continues to stun and amaze fans as Daniel Way and Steve Dillon reveal the history of Marvel's infamous anti-hero. Don't miss the long-awaited, secret history of two of Marvel's greatest heroes! Also, check out the stunning Wolverine: Origins #16 poster by Ed McGuinness. WOLVERINE: ORIGINS #16 (JUN072198)
The Avengers Battle The Autobots!
"In the debut issue, we built slowly to the big first meeting of these two famous groups, and here's where the readers' patience pays off," said editor Bill Rosemann. "The Avengers--who have been pushed to a violent place due to the Decepticons chicanery--and the Autobots-who have rolled in to squash the rising tempers-run head-on into each other...as blood-and oil-will flow!" Fans and critics everywhere are lauding New Avengers/Transformers, with Aaron Stueve of BrokenFrontier.Com raving that, "on this book [Marvel & IDW] do a bang up job... The story is at times subtle, at times sharp, and always good." "This a great book for fans to share with friends and family," added Nick Marino of ComicNewsInternational.Com. "Tyler Kirkham has a great touch for the characters in this story." Robots In Disguise, Earth's Mightiest Heroes and the most powerful villains either team have ever faced-what else do you need? It's time to assemble and roll out with New Avengers/Transformers #2!
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