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02-06-06 Äåßôå 9óÝëéäï preview áðü ôïí íÝï ôßôëï ôïõ Neil Gaiman óôçí Marvel "The Eternals", óå ó÷Ýäéï John Romita Jr, ðïõ ìáò Ýóôåéëå ç åôáéñßá. |
First Look at Gaiman and Romita Jr.'s Eternals Bestselling author Neil Gaiman returns to bring to you one of the most eagerly anticipated events of 2006 - Eternals . Gaiman is joined by none-other-than superstar artist John Romita Jr. as they reimagine this creation of the legendary Jack Kirby. Gaiman promises that Eternals will firmly cement the Eternals and their extended mythos into the Marvel Universe... and neither the Eternals nor the Marvel Universe will ever be the same again. Set against the backdrop of the current Marvel Universe, Civil War and all, this series will pull Ikaris, Sersi and the rest of the Eternals back into the spotlight, where they belong. The acclaimed writer of 1602 and Sandman brings you a tale of adventure, love affairs, and betrayals in the mighty Marvel manner that is guaranteed to be one of the biggest events of 2006. Immortals with amazing powers have watched civilizations rise and fall... so why does no one remember them? Find out that and more in Gaiman and Romita Jr.'s Eternals #1 on sale June 21.
Written by NEIL GAIMAN Penciled by JOHN ROMITA JR. Cover by RICK BERRY 48 PGS./Rated T+ ...$3.99 FOC - 6/1, On Sale - 6/21/2006 ETERNALS #1 (OF 6) ROMITA JR. VARIANT (APR062023) ETERNALS #1 (OF 6) ROMITA JR. SKETCH VARIANT (MAR068226) ETERNALS #1 (OF 6) COIPEL VARIANT (APR068106) |
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