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Ç Marvel ìáò Ýóôåéëå Ýíá 6óÝëéäï preview áðü ôï Sensational Spider-Man #28, ôï ôåý÷ïò óôï ïðïßï ìåôáöÝñïíôáé ïé åîåëßîåéò, ìåôÜ ôéò äñáìáôéêÝò áðïêáëýøåéò ôïõ Civil War #2. Ìüíï ãéá üóïõò äåí öïâïýíôáé ôá spoilers.

Spider-Man Unmasked Continues in Sensational Spider-Man #28

Have you heard the news? Measuring up to all-time Spider-Man moments like the death of Gwen Stacy and the marriage of Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson, Spider-Man has revealed his identity to the world.

In Sensational Spider-Man #28, a special stand-alone issue, the repercussions of that life-changing decision will be shown as it relates to those in Peter Parker's life. In a story called "My Science Teacher is Spider-Man," you see Peter's students dealing with the fact that their nice and boring science teacher has actually been one of the world's preeminent super-heroes.

His students aren't the only ones shown dealing with the revelation as Doctor Octopus, quite possibly Spider-Man's greatest nemesis, shows up to confront Parker. Needless to say, Doc Ock isn't showing up to offer congratulations.

"Spider-Man Unmasked" tie-ins will run through Sensational Spider-Man #28-32 and the covers of each issue will display a "Spider-Man Unmasked" banner signifying them as tie-in issues.

Sensational Spider-Man #28 also features emerging super-star writer Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and the gorgeous digitally painted work of Clayton Crain of Ghost Rider fame. It's an exciting time to be a fan of Spider-Man so do not miss out on this thrilling new chapter in Peter Parker's life.

Pencils & Cover by CLAYTON CRAIN
32 PGS./Rated A ...$2.99
FOC - 6/22, On Sale - 7/12

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