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21-06-06 Ç Marvel ìáò Ýóôåéëå Ýíá 7óÝëéäï preview áðü ôï ðñþôï ôåý÷ïò ôçò ïëïêáßíïõñãéáò, ongoing óåéñÜò, Ghost Rider, ðïõ èá êõêëïöïñÞóåé ôïí Éïýëéï, ìáæß ìå ôá variant covers ðïõ Ý÷åé åôïéìÜóåé ï superstar, Mark Silvestri. |
Ghost Rider Rides Again In New Ongoing Series The Spirit of Vengeance returns in Ghost Rider #1 as ol ' Flamehead finds himself the star of his own ongoing series once again. The original Ghost Rider, Johnny Blaze, is back and he ' s dispensing fiery vengeance in his wake. Johnny Blaze made a deal with the devil, and to no surprise, he got shafted. Now finding himself trapped in Hell, Johnny just may have found a way out. But what more will he have to sacrifice in order to escape eternal hellfire? By Wolverine: Origins writer Daniel Way and the team behind the launch of Ghost Rider ' s last ongoing series, Mark Texeira and Javier Saltares, Ghost Rider is sure to be the unholy hit of the summer. Way, Texeira, and Saltares are also behind the recent and successful " Origins and Endings " in the pages of Wolverine and now this creative team is looking to bring Johnny Blaze back to his former glory as the demonic deliverer of vengeance. The supernatural superhero rides again in Ghost Rider #1 so be sure to get your copy quick because this issue is guaranteed to be hotter than H-E-Double Hockey Sticks! GHOST RIDER #1 (MAY061973)
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