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Ç Marvel ìáò Ýóôåéëå Ýíá 5óÝëéäï preview áðü ôï ðñþôï ôåý÷ïò ôïõ Agents Of Atlas, óå óåíÜñéï ôïõ Jeff Parker êáé ó÷Ýäéï ôïõ Leonard Kirk, ðïõ êõêëïöïñåß óå ëßãåò âäïìÜäåò. Äåßôå ôï.

Agents of Atlas: All New Action With Golden Age Heroes

Secret Wars, Civil Wars, Infinity Wars…years before these events, Marvel Comics was Atlas Comics with a wide variety of heroes spanning several genres including science-fiction and espionage. Now, in times of a new crisis, some of those heroes have reunited for one final mission, in Agents of Atlas #1.

Led by FBI Special Agent Jimmy Woo, the Agents of Atlas were an odd assemblage of heroes that rescued a kidnapped President Eisenhower almost 50 years ago, disbanding quickly thereafter. Now, threats from the past begin to rise again and the Agents of Atlas must band together once more in all of their Golden Age glory.

Comprised of a spy, a spaceman, a goddess, a robot, and a gorilla, the eccentric members of the Agents of Atlas may be the only thing that can save a world at peril from forces that even S.H.I.E.L.D couldn't handle.

It's the Golden Age reborn as these classic characters from Marvel's past resurface to show today's heroes how superheroing is done in Agents of Atlas #1.

And visit the Temple of Atlas weblog for an interactive game involving the mystery of the Agents of Atlas with exclusive content that can only be found on Click here to join other online agents in the Temple of Atlas game right now.

AGENTS OF ATLAS #1 (of 6) (JUN061943)
Written by JEFF PARKER
Penciled by LEONARD KIRK
32 PGS./T+ ...$2.99
FOC – 7/13, On Sale – 8/2/2006


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